All our afternoon and cream teas are served daily 2-4pm in the Douglas Lounge or Pentland Restaurant. Please call the Pentland Restaurant directly on 0131 333 1845 to book and quote
Some date and time restrictions may apply. When you book your experience or redeem your voucher against a booking, the voucher will be validated and redeemed electronically. Our gift vouchers cannot be used to guarantee or pay for a booking made online/via our website. Vouchers may not be exchanged for cash in part or whole.
If you’ve made a voucher purchase and would like to request a refund, you can do so if you notify us within 28 days of the purchase date. We only offer refunds onto the original payment method used to make the purchase. A 5% refund fee will apply, based on the voucher value. To apply for a refund, please email [email protected].
Vouchers have a validity of 12 months and validity date is shown on the voucher. If you do not use your gift voucher within the given validity period it will no longer be valid. Once your voucher is redeemed with the hotel, no change or refund is given. Cancellation of a booking with less than 72 hours notice before the day of arrival will render the voucher null & void.